Sarbacane Campaigns: generate my subject and pre-header with AI

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Hello everyone!

Today we discover two new features offered by Smart Content within Sarbacane Campaigns. These are automatic suggestions and the addition of instructions.

These new features allow, thanks to AI, to automatically generate your email subjects and pre-headers.

These are essential elements for your open rates, and even your conversion.

To start, I go to Sarbacane Campaigns, and then I navigate to the creation of a new campaign.

I logically select the email campaign. Let's click on the "Message" step, as the recipients matter little for what we are seeing today.

I choose the Email Builder, and then I browse the Smart Templates to have access to both:

  • Templates designed for my communication goal
  • Templates compatible with my brand identity.

Let's select the "Product" template, intended for announcing new references within my store.

Since my template is already pre-written, I can, for the subject and the pre-header, click on "Automatic suggestion."

If the suggestions do not exactly fit, I can always decide to make a manual correction, or request a new generation.

Now, let's imagine that my template is less detailed, or that I want to have greater control over the generated proposals.

I choose "Add instructions" to have access to several parameters.

The instructions are valid for generating both the subject and the pre-header, regardless of the field selected. Here, we choose to add instructions by clicking on the "subject" field, but you could achieve the same result by clicking on the "pre-header" field.

First, I specify the context. I select the tone that resembles my usual communication habits. We notice that customization can go far, with the insertion (or not) of emojis or personalization variables such as the first name, for example.

I review and then validate my instructions now.

Thus, 5 pairs of subject and pre-header are generated.

I go through the proposals, and can decide to keep the ones I like the most by a simple checkmark.

If I am not satisfied, I can generate new proposals. If I am satisfied, I validate the selection.

To conclude, let's remember that the suggestions can be kept as they are, or serve as a basis for inspiration for later modification, always with the same goal of creativity and time-saving.

Thank you for following this tutorial, and see you soon on Sarbacane Suite!

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