Sarbacane Campaigns: Statistics and Calculation Method
This help center is dedicated to the new version of our software: Sarbacane Suite. If you are a user of the previous version, Sarbacane Sunrise, you can find here the help center related to this version of the software. The update of your account to switch to Sarbacane Suite will be proposed to you shortly by our teams.
Each router has its own calculation rules to determine the open rate. In Sarbacane Suite, the principle is relatively simple: an invisible tracking pixel is systematically and automatically added when you send a campaign.
When a recipient opens the email with their email client, the tracking image is called on Sarbacane's servers: it is identified by our platform and stored in the statistical report of your campaign. In short, we count the opening when these images are downloaded.
However, some email clients block image downloads by default, such as Outlook Enterprise (downloaded software). Since images are not displayed by default, the open is only counted when an action on the preview is performed (image downloads or clicks).
Similarly, reading an email offline will not allow the detection of a campaign's open. Therefore, it is understood that detecting an open through the tracking image does not provide a 100% reliable result.
Sarbacane applies an initial adjustment to more accurately calculate the number of openers by considering clickers as openers: a clicker who did not open will, after this first adjustment, be considered an opener.
A ratio of openers to clickers is then applied to the entire base of actual openers to define a second adjustment.
You will find the "adjusted" statistics in the "statistics" section of your campaign. The behavioral tracking, on the other hand, will display the actual detected data, without any adjustments.
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