Sarbacane Forms: Enable Double Opt-In to Comply with GDPR Obligations

This help center is dedicated to the new version of our software: Sarbacane Suite. If you are a user of the previous version, Sarbacane Sunrise, you can find here the help center related to this version of the software. The update of your account to switch to Sarbacane Suite will be proposed to you shortly by our teams.
Offering a form to your contacts is a good idea because, among other functions, it allows you to learn more about them and subsequently maintain an increasingly personalized relationship.
That said, for this personalization to be possible, your audience must express their consent and confirm it. This is called double opt-in.
How to do it?
As soon as you create your form, after choosing your template, simply click on the selector “Enable confirmation request (double opt-in)”.
And then?
Once your form is created, your contact will receive an email requesting confirmation of their subscription. It is this acceptance that gives you permission to fully utilize the data they have entrusted to you by filling out the form.

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