Sarbacane Forms : advanced questions

information Information

This help center is dedicated to the new version of our software: Sarbacane Suite. If you are a user of the previous version, Sarbacane Sunrise, you can find here the help center related to this version of the software. The update of your account to switch to Sarbacane Suite will be proposed to you shortly by our teams.

Quelles sont les questions avancées ?

These are formats that are not usually found in forms but are available in Sarbacane Forms for specific needs.

Let's review them:

Linear scale:

It allows you to measure, in a graduated manner, the purchase intention, the degree of agreement with a question, or satisfaction.

Example: On a scale of 1 to 10, would you recommend Sarbacane Suite?


They allow for the evaluation of a service or product.

Example: How many stars would you give to the training you received?


They allow the respondent to select a pictogram that matches their feeling, making the survey more engaging, for example.

Example: How do you feel about the upcoming event?


It allows the creation of a set of short questions where the expected answers are standardized. These could be evaluation grids or measures of intention.

Example: Strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree, strongly agree.


As we see in the dedicated article, it is possible to insert additional content and questions when a specific choice is selected by the respondent. It is possible to display as many additional questions as there are potential choices.

Example: You express your interest in the product. May we contact you to arrange an appointment?

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