Sarbacane Forms: conditional responses

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This help center is dedicated to the new version of our software: Sarbacane Suite. If you are a user of the previous version, Sarbacane Sunrise, you can find here the help center related to this version of the software. The update of your account to switch to Sarbacane Suite will be proposed to you shortly by our teams.

The benefit of conditional responses

It may happen that the respondent to a form wants to specify an answer, and that you, on your side, want to refine the data collection.

Quelques exemples :

  • Your respondent answers "yes" to an event invitation: in this case, will they be accompanied?
  • Your respondent answers "not satisfied" in a satisfaction survey: in this case, why?
  • Your respondent answers "very interested" in the announcement of a service or product: in this case, do they wish to be called back for a presentation appointment?

Integrate a conditional response step by step:

  1. Drag and drop a "Condition" block
  2. Name the column and specify whether the response is mandatory or not
  3. Write the question title and the various options (= answers) to check
  4. Drag and drop the question that will appear when the option in question is selected.

For example: if your question allows the selection of 3 answers, each answer can display its own additional response. Similarly, it is not necessary to plan an additional question for each initial response.

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