Sarbacane Forms: Pre-filling a Form

This help center is dedicated to the new version of our software: Sarbacane Suite. If you are a user of the previous version, Sarbacane Sunrise, you can find here the help center related to this version of the software. The update of your account to switch to Sarbacane Suite will be proposed to you shortly by our teams.
With Sarbacane, it is possible to pre-fill a form created using the software so that certain recipient information is already entered when the form is opened. The advantage is saving your contacts time, which can also lead to a higher response rate since the form is quicker to complete.
Below is a guide on how to proceed. The essential requirement for pre-filling your form is having the expected information stored in your contact list on Sarbacane.
Go to the "Forms" section of your account and select the "Promote" option:

A campaign will be automatically generated, and a button with your personalized form link will appear:

When you click the "Fill the form" button and examine the URL, here’s what you’ll see:
The form fields referenced here are default system fields, such as email, mobile number, civility, first name, and last name.
If your form contains fields other than the default ones (e.g., postal code) and you wish to pre-fill them, follow these steps: After mapping the columns in your form, create an API key in your account (this feature is typically for developers). Use the API key to send a request and retrieve the ID of your column. Add this column ID to the URL generated after clicking "Promote." This allows the custom field to be pre-filled based on the contact data you have in Sarbacane.

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