Generate a Smart Template quickly

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This help center is dedicated to the new version of our software: Sarbacane Suite. If you are a user of the previous version, Sarbacane Sunrise, you can find here the help center related to this version of the software. The update of your account to switch to Sarbacane Suite will be proposed to you shortly by our teams.

On this page, we see the instant generation of materials that will serve your image and your message.

Initially, we see a detailed example concerning Campaigns, knowing that the method follows the same logic for Forms and Pages.

On Sarbacane Campaigns:

To generate an email that is faithful to your objective, your graphic charter, and optimized for deliverability, go to the Campaigns icon in the left sidebar after clicking on the icon at the very top left of your page.

Then, click on the “My Templates” icon. A menu will then be available, and all you have to do is choose “Smart Templates”.

After a short loading time, go to the dialog box on the right to enter the address of the page where our tool will detect the necessary graphic elements. This can be the homepage of your website, among others.

Once the address is entered, click Enter or click on the green pictogram. See below an example using Google’s graphic charter:

Good to know: in case of a typing error, an error message will display in yellow, allowing you to enter the address again.

Then, go to the template of your choice; the visible previews already give you a good overview of the overall design that you can edit to tailor your message further.

When hovering over the template with your mouse, simply click on the “Edit” button to review the chosen model.

On Sarbacane Forms:

To create a data collection form that suits you, go to the “Forms” tab this time and follow the illustrated steps seen earlier for Campaigns.

On Sarbacane Pages:

The same applies for creating a landing page ready to host your message; you just need to select the Pages icon and repeat the instructions for the Campaigns model.

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