Sarbacane Sunrise (former version) : How to reserve a domain name?

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This help center is dedicated to the older version of our software: Sarbacane Sunrise. If you are a user of the next version, Sarbacane Suite, you can find here the help center related to this version of the software.

To reserve a domain name with Sarbacane, it's quite simple. First, you need to have purchased a domain credit.

This credit will allow you to reserve your dedicated domain with Sarbacane.

To do this, click on "Settings," then "Domains."

Next, click on "I want to create my dedicated domain with Sarbacane."

Then, in the "Domain Name" field, enter the domain you have chosen, and click "Check Availability."

If it's available, you can finalize the reservation by clicking "Reserve."

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