Sarbacane Contacts: how to manage the settings of your unsubscribe lists?

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This help center is dedicated to the new version of our software: Sarbacane Suite. If you are a user of the previous version, Sarbacane Sunrise, you can find here the help center related to this version of the software. The update of your account to switch to Sarbacane Suite will be proposed to you shortly by our teams.

Unsubscribe lists play a key role in analyzing contact lists, importing new contacts, or sending email or SMS campaigns with Sarbacane Campaigns.

Accessing Your Unsubscribe Lists

To access your unsubscribe lists in Sarbacane Contacts, follow these simple steps:

1. Start by logging into your Sarbacane account.

2. Once logged in, navigate to the Sarbacane Contacts application.

3. In the sidebar located on the left side of the interface, click on the "Contact Lists" section.

4. You will find your unsubscribe lists in the "Unsubscribe Lists" tab.

About Unsubscribe Lists

By default, when you start on Sarbacane, an unsubscribe list named "default unsubscribe list" is created by default and will be associated by default with all your campaigns sent via Sarbacane Campaigns.

You have the option to add other unsubscribe lists to manage unsubscribes based on their type of emails (newsletter, commercial email, etc.) or the type of medium (email or SMS).

These unsubscribe lists can then be associated with email and SMS campaigns sent via Sarbacane Campaigns, allowing you to respect the unsubscribe preferences of your recipients.

Sharing Management

The management of sharing unsubscribe lists allows you to control the visibility of these lists based on your user groups. Here's how to do it:

Sharing Options: It is possible to manage the sharing properties of your unsubscribe lists to limit their visibility based on your different user groups.

Note that only administrators and account owners can access sharing options. If sharing options are not visible, please contact your account administrator.

To access the sharing option of unsubscribe lists, choose the unsubscribe list of your choice, then click on the action menu associated with the list and select "Manage Sharing" from the dropdown menu.

You will then arrive on a page where you can choose the users or user groups that can access this unsubscribe list. Simply check or uncheck the groups and/or users according to your needs, then validate your selection.

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