Sarbacane Sunrise (old version): how do I migrate my Sarbacane Desktop campaigns to Sarbacane Sunrise?

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This help center is dedicated to the older version of our software: Sarbacane Sunrise. If you are a user of the next version, Sarbacane Suite, you can find here the help center related to this version of the software.


Sarbacane Desktop installed on the computer with a folder with the same name containing data related to the user account.

Sarbacane Sunrise PC/Mac version installed locally

Download the desktop version of Sarbacane Sunrise

When you first log in to Sarbacane Sunrise in Desktop version, you will be able to migrate (or postpone) Sarbacane Desktop data

If you want to postpone, the above page will show up again the next time you log in.

Please note that only the user data on the computer will be migrated, this excludes data related to shared accounts.

Before you start migrating your data, you will be prompted to select the volume of campaigns you want to migrate.

High data volume will require more waiting time. You are free to select all of your campaigns or to restrict the number of campaigns to migrate based on their seniority.

Once you have made your choice, click on "Import".

During the migration process, the window below will appear.

You have to wait until the process is complete.

As soon as the migration is complete, all the data (campaigns, lists, blacklists, models, etc.) will be available on the Sarbacane Sunrise Desktop application.

Finally, the migration of statistics has a special treatment. When the following window appears, the process will be in progress: "Migration has been successfully completed. Your statistics will be progressively downloaded in the background.

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