Will all the users in my account be automatically updated to Sarbacane Suite?

This help center is dedicated to the new version of our software: Sarbacane Suite. If you are a user of the previous version, Sarbacane Sunrise, you can find here the help center related to this version of the software. The update of your account to switch to Sarbacane Suite will be proposed to you shortly by our teams.
If you have one or more users and/or administrators linked to your Sarbacane Sunrise account, here's what you need to know.
Who can decide to switch to Sarbacane Suite?
First of all, only the owner of an account can request a switch to the Suite. Guest users or administrators will only be able to notify the account owner by email of the possibility of switching to Sarbacane Suite.
How can users and/or administrators invited to my account log in?
Users or administrators invited to your account will simply need to log in using their usual login and password. Then (as was the case before the update) they will have to choose the account they wish to access (either their own account, or the account(s) to which they are invited) via the drop-down menu at their disposal.
If they select an account that has been switched to the Suite, they will then access the Sarbacane Suite interface.
If they select an account that has not been switched, they will access the Sarbacane Sunrise interface.
Do users need to switch their own account to Sarbacane Suite?
As a reminder, on Sarbacane Sunrise, a user invited to join an account had to first create a free account to be able to access the account to which they were invited (this will no longer be the case for Sarbacane Suite).
These accounts, attached to the email addresses of users invited to another account, will not be automatically switched to Sarbacane Suite. In many cases, these accounts have expired because they are not used by their owners, and therefore do not need to be switched to Sarbacane Suite.
On the other hand, if the user is actively using their own account, they can of course decide to update the account themselves by following the instructions displayed in the application.
What happens to my users and my subscription when I switch to Sarbacane Suite?
When you upgrade your account to Sarbacane Suite, you (the account owner) and all the users of your account (whether administrators or simple users) will benefit from a full Suite license free of charge until your subscription renewal date.
At your renewal date, you can either renew your subscription with the full Sarbacane Suite at the corresponding price for all users in your account, or opt for a set of licenses corresponding to the functional scope you use on Sarbacane Sunrise. You are then free to decide the number and type of licenses you keep, and to whom you wish to allocate them.
As a reminder, a license is valid for a single user.

Do you need help using Sarbacane?Do you need help using Sarbacane?
Our team answers all your questions by phone on +1 64 686 725 37 from Monday to Friday, 9am to 12pm and 3pm to 6pm.
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